Ryan Lubinski, CPA, CVA, began his career in public accounting as a staff accountant at MichaelSilver in 2011. He was promoted to partner in January 2024 and is a leader in the Firm’s Business Valuation and Accounting and Assurance departments. Before joining MichaelSilver, he worked for over six years in the logistics industry for one of the largest trucking companies in the country where he worked in the Mexico customer server and brokerage divisions.

Ryan has more than twelve years of experience in public accounting providing accounting, business valuation, and compliance and consulting services to closely-held businesses and their owners. He works with businesses in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, automobile dealerships, retail, distribution and logistics, and employee benefits plans. His business valuation experience includes engagements for numerous purposes including estate and gift taxation, management planning, marital dissolutions, and buy-sell agreements.

Janell Wilson

Ryan Lubinski, CPA, CVA


How he spends his time here

Expertise Industries Membership
  • Audits, Reviews, Compilation Engagements
  • Accounting and Consulting
  • Employee Benefit Plan Audits
  • Business Valuation
  • Manufacturing
  • Auto Dealerships
  • Retail
  • Distribution & Logistics
  • Illinois CPA Society
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts

How he got here

Master of Science in Accounting, University of Illinois at Chicago
Bachelor of Business Administration, St. Norbert College, DePere, Wisconsin

How he approaches his work

“I enjoy working in public accounting and working with a wide variety of clients and industries where I can learn how their businesses operate. I pride myself in bringing value to our clients through the accounting services the Firm provides. It is rewarding to be a trusted advisor to our clients as their businesses thrive and succeed!”


“I love to travel! I studied abroad in Spain while in college and have visited 47 of the 50 states and many countries. I also enjoy spending time at my cabin in Wisconsin during the summer.”

Resource Article

Introducing the “Illinois Gives” Tax Credit Program

A new Illinois income tax credit is now available for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2025 through December 31, 2029. The “Illinois Gives Tax Credit Act” provides a 25% tax credit to taxpayers who make qualified contributions to a permanent endowment fund held by a Qualified Community Foundation (QCF).

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