State and Local Tax Expertise and Planning
Minimize Your Tax Exposure
When considering market expansion, or a new venture, location, or product line, State and Local Tax considerations must be part the planning process.
The MichaelSilver state and local tax (SALT) team is known for its in-depth tax knowledge and holistic approach. Our SALT specialists can help you address the myriad of ever-changing state, local, and multi-state tax issues that could have an adverse impact on your success and profitability. The Supreme Court’s decision in Wayfair could have changed your filing requirements.
We partner with you to create a multi-state plan designed to minimize your tax exposure and give your business a competitive advantage. State taxes can often be minimized through controlling activities that might create nexus, and maximizing the use of available state credits and special deductions. Services include:
- Income and Franchise Tax Services
- Nexus Consulting
- Sales and Use Tax Services
- Compliance Checks and Expert Nexus Solutions
- Audit Management and Support
- Payroll and Unemployment Tax Services
- Personal Property Taxes
- Unclaimed Property
- Credits and Incentives Analysis
We can uncover state and local tax incentives such as hiring
and training grants, Capital expenditure development zones,
sharing agreements, enterprise zone benefits, property tax
abatementand sales tax credits/exemptions.

Judy Mason
CPA, CVA, Partner
Resource Article
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